Purpose discovery + development coaching
Purpose coaching helps you identify your God-given purpose and empowers you to walk in it and make it your paycheck.
Using Kendra’s proven purpose principles, you’ll:
Reflect on passions from your childhood;
Explore people, places, and professions;
Make your purpose plain;
Develop a plan;
Walk in purpose and get paid to do it!
"Kendra, Scale My Business is the equivalent to Iyanla, Fix My Life! She’s compassionate, yet will force you to go to an astronomical level no matter how much you cry about it! She won’t allow anyone to settle for less than what God has for them! If you are ready to level up (for real, for real) then work with Kendra.
She makes you put God first while working with her, will pray with you, and even share a laugh when things feel foggy! She’s also anti-popularity, so she’ll always invite you to sit at any table that will help you grow in business and spirit!”

As a veteran consultant and prophet, Kendra combines practical knowledge with proven spiritual practices that will transform the way you find and move in your purpose.
This is for you if:
You need clarity on what you’re supposed to be doing with your life.
You need help deciphering your own voice from the voice of God.
You aren’t sure how to flush out or execute your goals.
You have big dreams but don’t know where to start.
You need a mentor to help keep you accountable for excelling in life.
You feel stuck or like you have plateaued.
You need to find meaning again.
Purpose is something EVERYONE struggles with at one time or another in their life. There are so many distractions around us every day, oftentimes pulling us in WAY too many directions.
We allow ourselves to become convinced by outside sources that we aren’t on the right path, and oftentimes get stuck.
Other times, God tells us our purpose and we just don’t listen! When God told me I needed to go back into consulting, I literally FOUGHT about it. I thought I knew better at the time and really tried to pave a different path for myself. He literally had to exile me for me to start paying attention.
It wasn’t until I really listened to Him that I realized my purpose, and how, through consulting I’d be able to fulfill it.
Since then, money has been dropping into my lap! And I want to show you how to get here too!

Not ready to commit? Get Kendra’s book Purpose-Driven Enterprise
Are you trying to understand God’s plan for your life? A lot of times it feels like a never-ending, elusive battle. Most people spend their whole lives trying to discover their life’s plan to no avail and even those who have found purpose don’t always know how to make money doing what they were created to do.
Purpose-Driven Enterprise is a revolutionary tool that helps faith-based entrepreneurs and enthusiasts alike uncover their purpose and develop ways to monetize their passions. Multi-millionaire, business consultant, and Forbes Next 1000 honoree Kendra Y. Hill shares her method for tapping into her purpose - the same method that helped her gain success, grow her audience, and generate revenue.
This step-by-step guide to creating a purpose-driven enterprise teaches:
How Kendra took her business from $0 to $1.96 million in one year
How to know FOR SURE what your purpose is
How to make money doing what you were made to do
How to maintain your purpose and still evolve over time
The path that Kendra lays out is simple, but challenging because your path to purpose is covered by the debris of your painful past.
Copyright 2020-2022: Kendra, Scale My Business